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What path is mankind taking?

omul incotro?

There are probably an impressive number of therapies, methods, techniques, and systems in the world today (some more speculative/scientific than others, and some more or less connected to the brain’s architecture), that aim to help you gain/regain control over your emotions, understand your behavior and reaction patterns, relational dynamics, free yourself from biases/limiting beliefs, discover efficient ways to respond to life’s challenges, correct erroneous/illusory perceptions of reality, turn the balance you’ve achieved into a lifestyle, and become an autonomous, responsible adult capable of self-governance.

And yet, what you gain on the swings, you lose on the roundabouts😊!

Unnoticed, an Artificial Reality (already increasingly sophisticated) opens up ahead of us, supported by digital technology, in which we have built a virtual double and a virtual identity in the minds of our followers.

This reality allows the adolescent consciousness and the small child, stuck in the second stage of life—childhood—to carry on with their unrestrained functionality.

Technology, especially social media platforms and video games, stimulates the brain’s reward system, particularly the release of dopamine (as well as many other pleasure-related neurotransmitters), which "fortifies" the inner child or adolescent.

Mihnea Măruță stated:

"The adult dissatisfied with reality regresses to the stage of a child at play—it’s a worldwide regression—and equips the imaginary toy with everything they can’t have in a life dominated by responsibilities and suffering: adventure (but in safe conditions), uncertainty (but not one that endangers the body), surprising, seductive encounters (but without concrete obligations). What happens, with the expansion of virtuality (and driven by it), is global infantilization. The biggest INFLUENCER in the world has become the child, not the one we gave life to, but the one within ourselves, the inner child."

I would add a question to what he said: who is this child? Who is this adolescent?

A client once asked me:

Ana, where do these two entities live within us? What do they look like?

I may disappoint some of you (as I did with my client): we don’t have children embedded somewhere within our body or organs, not even in a “wounded heart”; they are nothing more than real connections between neurons, between dendrites and axons, biochemical and informational connections created at a certain point in time, based on a perception.

The chronologically grown adult is not the psychological adult in all areas of life.

This is what specialized literature describes as a dissociation between the biological and the emotional.

The adult “grown” only chronologically cannot manage their moods and emotions because neuron-to-neuron calibration often happened with a perception error, which gets turned into a prediction error in order to survive and manage the brain’s energy resources as efficiently as possible.

They often have significant perceptual deficits.

Right now, we cannot feel differently, think differently, or decide/act differently as long as the control panel—the brain—has outdated settings for the present reality.

I’ve seen people who use therapies to feed the same neural circuits, justify their actions with newly learned methods, and spin in circles, stuck in the same unconscious limitation created by those neural connections.

It’s an art to engage in dialogue with the brain and collaborate with it!

From my point of view, we are not experiencing identity crises but role confusion, we are not isolated but desperate, socially confused, and the adult's integrity will be structured with dignity through radical, painful honesty with ourselves.

And it's not virtual reality or technology, not our parents or grandparents that are the issue, but a neural map rich in billions of networks, formed during the first years of life and later “enriched.”

When will humanity make the leap into mature consciousness?

Where is humanity headed?

Profound questions that I don’t know how to answer!

There are faint signs, but I believe something will truly change when each of us confronts, "nervously," our own reality 😊.

Anyway, "life knows no way back," as Wilfried Nelles tells us, and if the world looks the way it does today, it has a meaning, a sensitivity, and a subtlety!

PS: If you want to confront your old perceptual settings, have attended courses, but still can't see more, and the same feelings/situations keep coming back, write to me, I’ll gladly help!

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