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In today's interconnected world, every facet of our lives—from our bodies and relationships to our careers, mental well-being, and environment—is deeply intertwined. In this context, the role of the physician has undergone significant evolution.


In the postmodern era, the physician's role extends beyond offering medical services. They are now expected to become partners in their patients' journeys. This entails self-discovery, understanding one's own body, aligning with the meaning of life, and embracing personal growth.




In this journey, I will serve as your guide and companion as we navigate the intricate realms of your life, encompassing physical health, personal relationships, and your vocation.


My goal is to assist you in discovering the most fitting approaches, empowering you to reclaim your innate ability to heal, and fostering a sense of inner stability.


This process often entails delving into the area of optimal human growth, which lies between challenge and support, pleasure and pain, calm and turmoil. Together, we will explore these dimensions to cultivate the desired inner equilibrium and well-being.

Individual counseling sessions


  • I offer you a safe space to explore the imbalance in your body and mind.

  • I provide you with a different perspective on illness, based on which you can make informed therapeutic decisions.

  • I support you in significantly reducing fear related to illness and treatment.

  • You will learn to understand the biological meaning of symptoms and how you have created them.

  • You will break free from the victim mentality, which leads to illness but can also perpetuate it.

  • You will regain vitality and well-being in your daily life.

  • You will learn effective methods of prophylaxis and prevention, based on understanding specific causes and stabilizing daily priorities, so that your issues do not recur over time.

  • You will succeed in changing dysfunctional dynamics with family, colleagues, friends, or partners.

  • You will learn to filter and manage the massive flow of information from the mass media, which promises quick fixes and universal remedies.

  • You will save precious resources of time, energy, money, focus, and attention, focusing precisely on what you need for healing harmonization.

  • I also guide my clients through the healthcare system to understand diagnoses, treatment options, and available resources.

În această călătorie, am lucrat alături de oameni care s-au confruntat cu diverse provocări:

-de la afecțiuni fizice,
-la stări de anxietate și depresie,
-la dificultăți relaționale,
-provocări în carieră,
-adaptarea la noi medii de viață, cum ar fi emigrarea.


Am susÈ›inut doamne care au trecut prin divorÈ›uri dificile, oferindu-le sprijin emoÈ›ional È™i un cadru concret de coaching pentru a-È™i regăsi încrederea È™i echilibrul.


Am fost alături de oameni care îÈ™i căutau vocaÈ›ia sau aveau nevoie de

claritate pentru a lua decizii importante.

Together, we will answer these essential questions
  • Why do you have this illness, and how did you get here?

  • What is the corresponding function of the affected organ, and how does it relate to your thoughts and perceptions?

  • What signals did you previously ignore, and what are their roots?

  • After receiving medical treatment, why do symptoms often recur?

  • Why did the illness choose to manifest at this specific moment?

  • How can changes in perception contribute to diluting emotions and the healing process?

  • How can you develop awareness of the mind-body-emotion connection to achieve balance?

  • How is illness a sign of health?

  • How does the body's condition reflect in relationships, career, family, and the surrounding environment?

Discover the potency of inner transformation through your innate capability, embracing the endeavor of fostering inner balance. I extend an invitation to collaborate in shaping new perspectives for a holistic, flourishing life, while attending to often overlooked aspects brimming with significance.

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