Today, the Sun illuminates the genetic basin aligned with Codon 41, the one that plans a new life cycle, the gene that initiates the start of protein synthesis, the key that enables the ascent from the shadowy level of consciousness (dominated by fantasy, illusion, dreams, and the wheel of Samsara) to Anticipation (concrete expressions of the pressure to evolve) and Emanation (the supreme source, called Ain Soph by Kabbalists, the boundless light from which all things emanate).
In the ancient traditions of the Far East, energetically speaking, Earth only now begins a new heliocentric journey within our galaxy, and we, as an integral part, travel with it.
On January 1st, we stood on a conventional, false starting line, misaligned with the essence of life forms.
The chemical language of DNA in Earth’s organisms holds this information and is now activated by neutrinos in the genetic loci 41-31.
However, this process doesn’t happen by default.
Our future is written in the brain and its recordings of the past, not in the stars or in DNA (the stars propose; the gray matter disposes).
Through the tangible matter of the brain and nervous system emerges the embodied and relational process known as the mind (the most complete definition of the mind I’ve encountered is from Daniel Siegel).
The mind is what influences the expression of DNA through its nervous tissue support.
To become sensitive to the properties of the surrounding world, we need to reformat the mind/neuronal networks.
Whether we like it, find it difficult or boring, or whether it contradicts our limiting beliefs, this reformatting is essential.
DNA is a form of adaptation to the environment, and the environment doesn’t just mean the external world—it also includes the internal world of our struggles and perceptions.
The miracles of evolution are possible because DNA doesn’t represent preexisting realities but creates forms of adaptation to different perceptual realities.
For example, if we’re in a forest and a bear approaches from behind, it’s not the DNA alone that knows to encode hormones for the fight-or-flight response. Instead, the perception of danger through the nervous system triggers the activation of DNA to form ribosomal stress-related neurotransmitter proteins.
That’s why I believe that today, more than ever, we need to correctly interpret stressors, which are no longer bears. We must let go of shortcuts and ease-oriented approaches so that DNA can structure new realities and a different future in matter.
In the I Ching, The Book of Changes, hexagram 41 is called “Decrease” (Sun Jian) and is associated with the idea of reduction, sacrifice, or renunciation of something to achieve a higher goal or to restore balance.
This reminds me of a story I read a few years ago about the Japanese women divers, the Ama women, who have practiced this trade for centuries, diving into deep waters without modern equipment.
It’s an activity that requires resilience, focus, the ability to give up comfort, exposure to risks, and profound respect for nature.
Without oxygen tanks or breathing tubes, the Ama’s dives demand strong mental control, mastery of breathing, self-discipline, and management of internal resources.
They naturally embody today’s hexagram, sacrificing comfort and easy desires to achieve something more valuable—both material, such as seaweed, shells, and pearls, and spiritual—a deep connection with the ocean.
These women naturally achieve inner balance through their practices.

The stunning image above, sourced from the vast reservoir of the internet, visually intertwines with my neuronal design, created as a symbol of these mermaids.
I’ve also included it in my new book, where it comes to life in an aesthetic context meant to enrich the reading experience, adding Inspiration to my form of Anticipation!